World Resorts Portugal Weather

Weather in Portugal in July

Portugal in July on a weather map
Sea water temperature
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Best place for vacation in Portugal in July

Table below will help you to find the best place for your vacation in Portugal in July. Find the place with less rains and more sun. We also provide information about sea water temperature for marine resort.

Place name Air temp
day / night
Cloudiness Rainy days (precipitation) Sea
Sunny hours
 Albufeira 86.5°F 68.0°F 4.4% - 68.0°F 14 h. 47 min.
 Algarve 81.8°F 71.1°F 4.3% - 69.6°F 14 h. 47 min.
 Alvor 85.0°F 65.4°F 5.4% - 67.1°F 14 h. 38 min.
 Canico 74.6°F 66.4°F 15.7% - 72.1°F 12 h. 51 min.
 Cascais 75.0°F 65.7°F 12.1% - 63.7°F 13 h. 48 min.
 Corvo Island 70.3°F 70.9°F 45.3% 2 days (0.7 in.) 71.8°F 9 h. 0 min.
 Ericeira 82.7°F 62.7°F 20.6% - 63.0°F 12 h. 35 min.
 Estoril 70.9°F 65.9°F 11.6% - 63.5°F 13 h. 52 min.
 Faial Island 71.5°F 68.9°F 38.1% - 71.1°F 10 h. 0 min.
 Faro 81.8°F 71.0°F 4.4% - 69.6°F 14 h. 46 min.
 Flores Island 70.3°F 70.9°F 45.4% 2 days (0.7 in.) 71.8°F 8 h. 59 min.
 Funchal 75.1°F 66.5°F 11.3% - 72.3°F 13 h. 28 min.
 Graciosa 70.4°F 69.5°F 45.6% - 71.1°F 8 h. 56 min.
 Lagos 82.1°F 65.9°F 6.3% - 66.4°F 14 h. 30 min.
 Lisbon 85.5°F 65.6°F 9.4% - 66.6°F 14 h. 12 min.
 Madeira 75.1°F 66.5°F 11.3% - 72.3°F 13 h. 28 min.
 Peniche 82.4°F 62.6°F 22.4% - 63.9°F 12 h. 21 min.
 Pico Island 71.5°F 68.9°F 38.3% - 71.1°F 9 h. 58 min.
 Ponta Delgada 73.5°F 68.4°F 45.1% - 70.7°F 8 h. 57 min.
 Portimao 86.3°F 65.6°F 4.9% - 67.3°F 14 h. 43 min.
 Porto 77.1°F 64.2°F 15.8% - 62.6°F 13 h. 27 min.
 Porto Santo Island 69.6°F 70.3°F 49.4% - 71.4°F 8 h. 7 min.
 Quarteira 86.1°F 68.9°F 4.1% - 68.5°F 14 h. 49 min.
 Sagres 76.5°F 66.0°F 9.0% - 64.9°F 14 h. 7 min.
 Santa Maria Island 72.1°F 70.0°F 41.6% - 71.4°F 9 h. 25 min.
 Sao Jorge 70.9°F 68.1°F 36.4% - 71.1°F 10 h. 15 min.
 Sao Miguel 73.5°F 68.4°F 45.1% - 70.9°F 8 h. 57 min.
 Setubal 88.0°F 63.2°F 7.4% - 66.6°F 14 h. 28 min.
 Sintra 81.4°F 64.8°F 11.9% - 63.5°F 13 h. 50 min.
 Tavira 89.0°F 69.9°F 3.8% - 70.3°F 14 h. 52 min.
 Terceira Island 71.9°F 67.5°F 42.1% - 70.5°F 9 h. 25 min.
* Sunny hours are calculated based on the average daily number of hours while sunlight can reach the ground. It depends on day length and cloudiness during the day.
Places in Portugal:
Units of measurement: °C / °F