World Resorts Turkey Antalya Weather

Antalya weather in May

Weather in Antalya: May

Average day temperature: 77.5°F
Average night temperature: 64.4°F
Sea water temperature: 70.5°F
Number of sunny days: 26 days
Day length: 13.7 - 14.5 hours
Number of rainy days: 2 days
Precipitation totals: 0.9 in.

Air temperature in May, °F

Show year:

The highest day temperature during May of 2023 was 88°F. At the same time the lowest night temperature was 55°F. Day and night temperature averages during May were 75.2°F and 63.1°F.

Sea water temperature in Antalya in May, °F

Show year:

The average sea water temperature in May of 2023 was 69.0°F. The highest and lowest sea temperatures during the month were 71.8°F and 64.9°F.

Sunny, partly cloudy and cloudy days

Mostly all days in May are sunny but cloudy days are also possible.

Precipitation total in May, in.

Precipitation total value in Antalya in May is 0.9 in. Other months of the year show relatively similar values.

Wind speed in May, mph

The average wind speed value in May is 6.7 mph It makes May one of the least windy months of the year.

Average sunny hours

This chart shows average number of hours during the day when sunlight can reach the ground. It depends on day length and cloudiness during the day. The average number of sunny hours in May is: 11.5.

Antalya weather reviews

Irina, May 2023
Hello, we were on holiday with our family in Antalya in May 2023, we found trips with a good discount, from the 13th to the 17th, it was very warm and sunny, it never rained, the weather allowed us to sunbathe, relax and bask in the sun, the water was at a comfortable temperature for children including, it was also warm at night, if during the day the temperature reached 28 degrees, then at night up to 20, it was comfortable to sleep, not hot and not cold, it was cloudy for a very short period and sometimes it was very appropriate when you are in the sun for a long time, for children We really enjoyed this vacation and, I think, we were very lucky with the weather and prices, we will be happy to go there more than once
Victoria, May 2024
I was in Turkey in the city of Antalya in May. Beautiful weather, sunny, no wind, warm sea. This month the air temperature reaches 20 - 25 degrees, the water temperature is 20 degrees. You can already swim. But at night it’s still cool, so you need to take Bring a windbreaker with you. At night the wind can blow and feel cool. therefore, you definitely need to take something warm with you. In May, I saw Antalya blooming and smelling, the aromas of flowers and fresh fruits all around, the gentle aroma of the sea will captivate you to go swimming, bask in the sun, buy yourself a fresh watermelon, drink a cool mojito and relax on the beach under an umbrella. I really like the warm, but not very hot, fragrant Antalya in May. I want to return there all the time. It’s not worth spending the night... Read more
Danil Tkachenko, May 2023
My visit to Antalya in May was simply incredible! The weather was perfect - sun, clear skies and warm temperatures, allowing us to enjoy the beach and sea every day. In the evening the air becomes cooler, which creates excellent conditions for walking around the city and visiting restaurants. May is the ideal month for a holiday in Antalya, when you can enjoy all the benefits of this beautiful place without the excessively hot summer. I recommend everyone to visit this beautiful city at this time of year!

Best time for vacation in Antalya

Sunniest months:
July 31 days
August 31 days
September 29 days
Warmest months:
July 93.7 °F
August 93.0 °F
September 87.6 °F
Warmest sea temp:
August 84.8 °F
September 82.9 °F
July 82.7 °F
Coldest months:
January 55.4 °F
February 58.2 °F
December 59.7 °F
Rainiest months:
January 7 days
December 6 days
February 5 days
Windiest months:
January 8.0 mph
July 7.3 mph
March 7.0 mph

Antalya on a weather map

SE 1 mph
Feels like: +70°F
Precip.: 0%
Places in Turkey:
24 Hours Forecast
Local time: 21:32
May 20, monday
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8 mph
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2 mph
Units of measurement: °C / °F