World Resorts Turkey Kemer Weather

Kemer weather in June

Weather in Kemer: June

Average day temperature: 81.9°F
Average night temperature: 67.7°F
Sea water temperature: 76.8°F
Number of sunny days: 24 days
Day length: 14.5 - 14.7 hours
Number of rainy days: 3 days
Precipitation totals: 1.3 in.

Air temperature in June, °F

Show year:

The highest day temperature during June of 2023 was 87°F. At the same time the lowest night temperature was 68°F. Day and night temperature averages during June were 79.3°F and 74.6°F.

Sea water temperature in Kemer in June, °F

Show year:

The average sea water temperature in June of 2023 was 75.5°F. The highest and lowest sea temperatures during the month were 79.9°F and 71.1°F.

Sunny, partly cloudy and cloudy days

Mostly all days in June are sunny but cloudy days are also possible.

Precipitation total in June, in.

Precipitation total value in Kemer in June is 1.8 in. Other months of the year show relatively similar values.

Wind speed in June, mph

The average wind speed value in June is 5.5 mph It makes June one of the least windy months of the year.

Average sunny hours

This chart shows average number of hours during the day when sunlight can reach the ground. It depends on day length and cloudiness during the day. The average number of sunny hours in June is: 11.4.

Kemer weather reviews

Maria Alexandrovna, June 2023
The vacation was in mid-June, we decided to go to Turkey. We were very lucky with the weather! There was no intense heat, it rained only once, the sun shone the rest of the days. The sea had already warmed up well, and it was impossible to pull the child out of the water. We spent our entire vacation at sea, didn’t get sunburned, and got an even, beautiful tan. The only negative is the beach with pebbles, we wore special shoes so as not to cut our feet. But this did not spoil our holiday. It’s especially good in Kemer in the evening. It was nice to walk along the warm streets and breathe the clean mountain air.
Valentina, June 2023
Two years ago, our family vacationed in Turkey in November. We went on a lot of excursions, but we couldn’t swim in the sea because it was too cold. And last year we went on vacation to Kemer in June, and realized that it was the right decision. The water was warm enough for swimming, and the kids and I spent most of our time on the beach, and often in the hotel pools, and of course, in the outdoor water park. There were no cloudy or rainy days during the two weeks of rest. Sometimes during the day it was a little hot, but the sea water, although very warm, was still cooler than the air temperature and pleasantly refreshing. So, from personal experience we were convinced that June, of course, is more suitable for a beach holiday in Kemer than November.
Zoya, June 2023
I was afraid that the heat would be completely unbearable, but in vain. In principle, approximately the same as in our hot summer: +25-27. Nothing particularly unbearable. As in Crimea, the main thing is not to go to the sea at the peak of the sun. If you go, hide from the sun under an umbrella, wear a brimmed hat, and a long-sleeved jacket. A couple of times it even rained for a short time. But I liked it, it was so pleasantly refreshing. The water is warm: it’s not scary to go in. I recommend this month.

Best time for vacation in Kemer

Sunniest months:
July 30 days
August 30 days
September 28 days
Warmest months:
July 89.5 °F
August 89.1 °F
September 82.6 °F
Warmest sea temp:
August 84.7 °F
September 83.0 °F
July 82.6 °F
Coldest months:
January 51.9 °F
February 54.8 °F
December 55.8 °F
Rainiest months:
January 6 days
December 6 days
February 4 days
Windiest months:
January 6.4 mph
July 6.3 mph
March 5.9 mph

Kemer on a weather map

NW 2 mph
Feels like: +77°F
Precip.: 0%
Places in Turkey:
24 Hours Forecast
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6 mph
Units of measurement: °C / °F